About *AUS*
Australian Universal Soldiers' (*AUS*) Tom Clancy Division was founded on the 30th of October, 2002 by Aluisiuos. The division started recruiting for Ghost Recon and planned to played Raven Shield when it became available. A number of members joined up, but unfortunately the division never really became active due to lack of time and interest from Aluisiuos.
Eagle took command of the division on the 30th of January, 2003, but resigned on the 28th of May, 2003. Clintcom took the position and led the division until the 9th of November, 2003. During this period the division solely focused on Raven Shield, but due to a lack of support in Australia for the game by GamesArena it was a tough road to travel. Elmo took charge until the 1st of January, 2004 while Clintcom was taking a break. Clintcom returned after that point.